Curator, Designer, Educator

Weaving Visions

January 26th, 2019

- February 16th, 2019

Weaving Visions

An annual group exhibition for the Artist-in-Residency program at Creative Alliance .

“How do you make a home? This is a question that confronts me every time I move. My attachment to an old space severed yet again, new connections beginning to latch onto the strange walls surrounding me. Looking at these gallery walls now, you may begin to wonder what home is to these artists. For starters, these seven artists call Creative Alliance home, at least temporarily. However, even though they reside in the apartments down the hall, many of their works ponder what home is or once was to them, calling out to the people, objects, architecture, and cultures that once filled the spaces they have resided.

Not many people can call just one place their home, their community. These artists weave together their own varied visions of home and beginnings, united in their reflections and yearning to create a better world we all can call home.” 

Featured Artists:

Adam Davies

Alfonso Fernandez

Jani Hileman

Jerry Allen Gilmore

Samantha Sethi

Kei Ito

Christopher Batten


Weaving Visions titled more spaced out .jpg



